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What is it, and why should we support it?
To appreciate what Intergroup is, it sometimes helps to start with what Intergroup is not. Intergroup is not an authority figure. We are not here to tell you what to do, what to think, how to run your meetings, or what to do with your meetings’ funds. Intergroup is an ACA World Service Organization (WSO) sanctioned assembly of unpaid local Southern California Meeting Volunteers, devoting their time to help ensure ACA thrives in Southern California.
By members, for members. Ideally every Southern California ACA meeting will have an active Intergroup Representative (IR) that attends the monthy Intergroup meetings, and participates. Your Intergroup is funded thru donations by individuals and meetings from around Southern California. Intergroup, in turn, services the various meetings and community through the following:
Does your meeting participate or support Intergroup in any form? In addition for the need for attendance, these important tasks have costs, and can function much more effectively with your help. Your help can take the form of communication, participation, and or support. As the ACA program experiences its resurgence, it is more important than ever that your group participates, and we provide a unified front in our effort to grow the program in Southern California.
For more information on Intergroups and how they function, see the World Service website at as well as the ACA Big Red Book, Page 603.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours in service,
Southern California Intergroup
The ACA Fellowship Text is owned, copyrighted and published by ACA WSO. ACA WSO acts as the central agency of the program, gathering and disseminating meeting information; creating and distributing literature, and provides information to the general public.
The ACA Fellowship Text (commonly referred to as the Big Red Book or BRB) is a meeting book, Steps book, Traditions book, workbook, and group guide.
The ACA Fellowship Text was anonymously written by ACA members and provides guidance on working the 12 Step ACA program leading to recovery from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional family.
ACA WSO has adapted AA's Steps (with permission from AA) to address the effects of childhood trauma and neglect, and offer hope to ACAs worldwide.
One can purchase this book in hardbound, soft bound, or electronic publication.
Twelve Steps of Adult Children Steps Workbook
The Twelve Steps of Adult Children Workbook provides members with a detailed series of exercises and questionnaires that can be used by individuals either in a one-on-one Fellow Traveler (Sponsorship) or in group studies.
Daily Affirmations Strengthening My Recovery Meditations for Adult Children of Alcoholics / Dysfunctional Families
"What you are about to read was created from a space of love and gratitude for a Program that has saved countless lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually". "Strengthening my Recovery" is a Daily Affirmation and Meditation book written by and for the Adult Children of Alcoholics / Dysfunctional Families (ACA and ACoA) Fellowship. The seeds of this book were planted during the final development of the Fellowship Text, also know as the Big Red Book (BRB).
The Laundry Lists Workbook - Integrating Our Laundry List Traits for Adult Children of Alcoholics / Dysfunctional Families.
The Workbook expands the brief description of the "Other" or Opposite Laundry List (BRB, p. 8). It contains concise questions to guide the recovering adult child in reliving actual episodes that produced feelings of inferiority, shame, guilt, and anger (emotional intoxication). This workbook outlines a recovery process for healing the injury and conflict caused by childhood trauma and its continued reenactment, and for withdrawing from emotional intoxication.
Website Changes or Any Questions: Text or Call Scotty 619-254-5559